The video, Growing Up Online, was very informative and brought my attention to some important issues concerning computers, online websites, and teenagers' addiction to this type of technology. Social networking has its benefits and also has its downfalls. For example "Autumn" was someone that used social networking to make her feel better about herself. She was a totally different person online than she was in "real life". But the little boy who killed himself used social networking as a sounding board for how to do it and what other people thought about it. The thing that stuck out to me the most was the parent’s involvement in their children’s life. Some were very involved and some were not. I have a hard time blaming websites for bullying and other things that happen when parents have no idea what is happening when their child is online. I think it is 100% the parent’s responsibility to be aware of what is happening when their child is online. The mother that was president of the PTA was involved in her children's life. She kept a tab on everything that went on on the computer. She didn't allow her children to use the computer outside to the kitchen. Her son got very angry with his mother because she had told on his classmates. This mother is the one of the reasons her children were doing well in school and didn't get into trouble online. Some people might say that she is too much, but I think that she is an excellent mother that loves her children very much. On the other hand the parents of the girl who had an eating disorder didn't even know she had one. She communicated about this disorder online and her parents didn't keep tabs on what she was doing on her computer.
Overall the video was very informative and opened my eyes to issues I had no idea about nor have ever thought about.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Chapter 1
1. What is your first impression of this textbook based on reading the preface and first chapter?
My first impression to the text is that our teaching should be supported with technology instead of using technology to teach students. In order to have meaningful learning, teachers should use the various types of technologies to help support learning in students. The text does a great job in explaining the difference between using technology to teach and using technology to help support and elaborate on what is being taught. So often teachers get confused on when and how to use technology in the classroom, so that students can have the best learning experience possible.
2.Jonassen identifies 5 characteristics of meaningful learning. How do these 5 characteristics compare with your own understanding of what meaningful learning is?The five characteristics of meaningful learning as identified in the text are active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative. I think that these five help to encompass all the important ways that students can learn. The characteristic that I would not have thought would fall under meaningful learning would be cooperative learning. I guess I thought that meaningful learning can only happen within a student's own self and not involving anyone else. The more I think about it the more I understand that working with other individuals can help students learn and benefit from other’s knowledge.
3. As a student you have observed the teaching process for more than 15 years. Some authors refer to this as an apprenticeship of observation. Reflecting back as a K-12 and college student, how have you seen technology used as teaching and learning tool?
Throughout my schooling I have noticed an increase in the technology being used as a teaching and learning tool. In elementary school, technology was used more for reinforcement rather than for teaching and learning. All through high school and college I have noticed that teachers and professors use technology as a teaching and learning tool. I think that technology has changed to this over time because as students get older they can use technology on their own instead of being reinforced by the teacher. Also as time as gone by technology has become more advanced and available for teachers to use. This would be a reason technology has increased in my schooling over time.
4. In your own words, what is the difference between ‘learning from technology’ and ‘learning with technology’?
Learning from technology and learning with technology are very different from one another. Learning from technology is when the teacher presents the information and material using technology. Learning with technology is when students and technology work together. Technology can be used to help support what the teacher has taught and help to reinforce the students’ thinking from the information being reinforced.
5. Who is David Jonassen? Find out more about his background and professional interests.
David Jonassen graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Delaware, with a Masters degree in education from the University of Delaware, and a post-doctoral degree in computer science, statistics and philosophy from the University of North Florida. His professional interests include writing books on technology and education and assisting and teaching undergraduate and graduate students.
6. Occasionally, you may come across unfamiliar terms in the reading. Rather than ignore them (a strategy struggling readers use), be sure to understand what these new words mean. This is great practice for the GRE. Also, when we discuss the readings in class, I will randomly call on students to define unfamiliar terms using their own words. For example, do you know what an ‘epiphenomenon’ is? Can you define the word ‘nascent’? Both of these terms are used in Ch. 1.Nascent: beginning to exist or develop
Epiphenomenon: any secondary phenomenon
Manipulative: to handle, manage, or use, esp. with skill, in some process of treatment or performance
Analogical: based on, involving, or expressing an analogy
7. Choose one question from the ‘Things to Think About’ section on pp. 10-12. Respond to this question. Be sure to identify the question to which you are responding.(12) Can you calculate the exact square root of 2570 without a calculator? Does the calculator make you smarter? Is the calculator intelligent?
I know I cannot calculate the square root of 2570 without using a calculator. Using a calculator does not make someone smarter it only helps with computations in math that would be nearly impossible to do by paper and pencil. Because the calculator does the work does not mean that it is intelligent, it only does what it is told to do by the user. The user is the one that uses the calculator and makes the calculator do what it is supposed to do when working out a math problem. I guess since I cannot do this computation, then I have become dependent on the use of technology (or a calculator) in order to complete math work, which in a sense has taken away some of my own intelligence.
My first impression to the text is that our teaching should be supported with technology instead of using technology to teach students. In order to have meaningful learning, teachers should use the various types of technologies to help support learning in students. The text does a great job in explaining the difference between using technology to teach and using technology to help support and elaborate on what is being taught. So often teachers get confused on when and how to use technology in the classroom, so that students can have the best learning experience possible.
2.Jonassen identifies 5 characteristics of meaningful learning. How do these 5 characteristics compare with your own understanding of what meaningful learning is?The five characteristics of meaningful learning as identified in the text are active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative. I think that these five help to encompass all the important ways that students can learn. The characteristic that I would not have thought would fall under meaningful learning would be cooperative learning. I guess I thought that meaningful learning can only happen within a student's own self and not involving anyone else. The more I think about it the more I understand that working with other individuals can help students learn and benefit from other’s knowledge.
3. As a student you have observed the teaching process for more than 15 years. Some authors refer to this as an apprenticeship of observation. Reflecting back as a K-12 and college student, how have you seen technology used as teaching and learning tool?
Throughout my schooling I have noticed an increase in the technology being used as a teaching and learning tool. In elementary school, technology was used more for reinforcement rather than for teaching and learning. All through high school and college I have noticed that teachers and professors use technology as a teaching and learning tool. I think that technology has changed to this over time because as students get older they can use technology on their own instead of being reinforced by the teacher. Also as time as gone by technology has become more advanced and available for teachers to use. This would be a reason technology has increased in my schooling over time.
4. In your own words, what is the difference between ‘learning from technology’ and ‘learning with technology’?
Learning from technology and learning with technology are very different from one another. Learning from technology is when the teacher presents the information and material using technology. Learning with technology is when students and technology work together. Technology can be used to help support what the teacher has taught and help to reinforce the students’ thinking from the information being reinforced.
5. Who is David Jonassen? Find out more about his background and professional interests.
David Jonassen graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Delaware, with a Masters degree in education from the University of Delaware, and a post-doctoral degree in computer science, statistics and philosophy from the University of North Florida. His professional interests include writing books on technology and education and assisting and teaching undergraduate and graduate students.
6. Occasionally, you may come across unfamiliar terms in the reading. Rather than ignore them (a strategy struggling readers use), be sure to understand what these new words mean. This is great practice for the GRE. Also, when we discuss the readings in class, I will randomly call on students to define unfamiliar terms using their own words. For example, do you know what an ‘epiphenomenon’ is? Can you define the word ‘nascent’? Both of these terms are used in Ch. 1.Nascent: beginning to exist or develop
Epiphenomenon: any secondary phenomenon
Manipulative: to handle, manage, or use, esp. with skill, in some process of treatment or performance
Analogical: based on, involving, or expressing an analogy
7. Choose one question from the ‘Things to Think About’ section on pp. 10-12. Respond to this question. Be sure to identify the question to which you are responding.(12) Can you calculate the exact square root of 2570 without a calculator? Does the calculator make you smarter? Is the calculator intelligent?
I know I cannot calculate the square root of 2570 without using a calculator. Using a calculator does not make someone smarter it only helps with computations in math that would be nearly impossible to do by paper and pencil. Because the calculator does the work does not mean that it is intelligent, it only does what it is told to do by the user. The user is the one that uses the calculator and makes the calculator do what it is supposed to do when working out a math problem. I guess since I cannot do this computation, then I have become dependent on the use of technology (or a calculator) in order to complete math work, which in a sense has taken away some of my own intelligence.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Technology Belief Statement
My belief on teaching with technology is that it is a good resource to use to help support ideas and topics taught in the classroom. I also believe that technology can be an excellent tool for students to use for exploring topics learned in and out of the classroom.
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